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Building good relationships with parents of autistic children.

  image from http://quotesgram.com/ “We don’t see that behaviour at school” “He’s doing it on purpose, he gets away with it at home” “There’s no structure at home, you know” These are some of the comments we might hear in the staff room. It certainly not from all teachers or teaching staff, and it’s certainly […]

What support do teachers need to effectively teach autistic pupils?

Primary teachers are the most creative people I know.   In just one day they explain, instruct, present, make, demonstrate, coach, advise, organise, design, guide, adapt, mentor, listen, comfort, laugh, cry and …oh and of course, teach! Each day there are around 30 individual human beings in our care and we want to nurture them, develop […]

Post 16 Transition for students with SEND / ASC.

At this time of year many secondary teachers are thinking about the looming GCSE’s for their Y11’s and may also be thinking about what happens next for their students. If a student has SEND / ASC then there are additional challenges when leaving school and moving on to the next step in their educational lives. […]

Supporting Children with Autism at Playtimes.

image from http://clc2.uniservity.com/ Playtimes can be tricky for autistic children …. It’s unstructured time – which some like (no demands) and others hate (don’t know what to do or how to fill the time). It’s a sensory overload, – which some love because they are sensory seekers and need the movement and sensory stimulation and others […]

5 things to know when supporting Autistic students in FE

 I was invited to Cardiff and Vale College to do a workshop about supporting autistic students at 6th Form college.  Cardiff and Vale college support students between the ages of 16-18 and beyond, including adult learners and in many different subjects, courses and situations.  Obviously, all autistic students are different and telling them all I […]

Why look for girls on the spectrum in school?

This guest blog is from Joanna Grace who I first knew through her start up of the Sensory Project in 2010.  I liked what she was proposing to do and I pitched in a tenner towards it and watched how (thanks to much more generous people than me) the Sensory Projects have grown. In her […]