Resources for Setting Up a Social Detectives Group
Autistic young people can find it difficult to read the social cues around them. Other children can find it difficult to read the social communication of an autistic child. Social Dectectives groups bring autistic and non-autistic children together to learn how to read the clues and cues between them and around them to make a ‘good guess’ as to what is going on. Through board and card games children can enjoy learning together whilst talking about the ways that they communicate and understand each other.
Resources for Setting Up A Social Detectives Group For Autistic Pupils has been developed over many years through our direct work with pupils. It is aimed at Primary and lower secondary aged pupils. We have used these resources successfully at the beginning of Secondary school to help build friendships and confidence in the new environment that Year 7s have to navigate. It is designed to be used alongside board and card games but could also work alongside Lego and other practical play activities where co-operation and communication is the key to achieving the task.
This resource has only been available to schools who have bought us in for training and regular support until now….but we are please to say, that it is now available to order from us directly. We do ‘Social Detectives Training’ if you want to develop these strategies more.
Buy the whole set for just £35.00 +vat
(It will cost more to post overseas – please enquire here)
To order a pack click here. Thank you.
Contents: Part A – Social Games Group
- 6 session sample plan (each session can be repeated with different games)
- List of suggested games to get you started with the skills that they can teach
- Set of 6 skills visual boards, laminated
- ‘How to do Good Listening’ visual
- ‘How to do Good Looking’ social story (note, this is teaching what looking at others is about, not that they need to look. We don’t insist children with ASD have to look at others.)
- ‘I can greet my friends’ social story
- ‘Winning and losing’ social story
- Traffic light symbols, laminated
- Turn Taking board, laminated
- Points template
Contents Part B – Next Steps Conversation Skills
- ‘What is a conversation?’ social story
- Conversation starters and finisher cards, laminated
- Conversation Topic Cards, laminated
- ‘Taking turns to speak’ social story
- ‘Working with a partner in class’ social story
- ‘Working together’ visual reminder, laminated
Bonus content Part C – Be a social Detective
- Social Story about how to be a social detective
- Question cards
- Social scenes to use as discussion